Participació al 17th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology
El congrés anual organitzat per l’European Society of Criminology s’ha celebrat entre el 13 i el 16 de setembre de 2017 a Cardiff (Regne Unit) sota el lema «Challenging ‘Crime’ and ‘Crime Control’ in Contemporary Europe«. Investigadors d’aquest grup de recerca hi han participat presentant diverses investigacions: “European Prison Policies & Spanish Prison Practices: Understanding confluences and gaps” (J. Cid i A. Andreu); “Effects of imprisonment on optimism about resettlement and recidivism” (J. Cid, A. Pedrosa, J. Martí i A. Ibàñez); «Cumulative disadvantage and turning points to understand desistance and persistence in transition to adulthood» (J. Cid, J. Martí, E. Albani i A. Ibàñez); “When offenders meet their victims face to face. Changing perceptions during the mediation process? Results from research» (A. Meléndez); “Insecurity and the neighborhood: A multilevel study of perception of insecurity in Barcelona” (C. Güerri, J. M. López-Riba -Universitat Pompeu Fabra- i A. Pedrosa); “The role of families in prison reentry” (A. Ibàñez i A. Pedrosa); i “The impact of mother’s imprisonment in children. Some options to reduce the number of incarcerated women in Catalonia» (C. Navarro). [Fotos]